Researchers propose how the universe became filled with light | P. Kaaret
Credit: CC0 Public Domain Aug. 30, 2017 ( -- Soon after the Big Bang, the universe went completely dark. The intense, seminal event that created the cosmos churned up so much hot, thick gas ...
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Stars orbiting supermassive black hole show Einstein was right again | Marzieh Parsa
Artist's impression of the orbits of three of the stars very close to the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. Credit: ESO/M. Parsa/L. Calçada Aug. 14, 2017 ( -- At the ...
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Tardigrades: The last survivors on Earth | David Sloan, Rafael Alves Batista, and Abraham Loeb
Tardigrade. Source: BBC July 14, 2017 ( -- The world's most indestructible species, the tardigrade, an eight-legged micro-animal, also known as the water bear, will survive until the Sun ...
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Trillion-tonne iceberg breaks off Antarctica (Update) | AFP
Thermal wavelength image of a large iceberg, which has calved off the Larsen C ice shelf. Darker colors are colder, and brighter colors are warmer, so the rift between the iceberg and the ice shelf ...
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Earth's magnetic field 'simpler than we thought' | M.H. Walczak et al
A composite image of the Western hemisphere of the Earth. Credit: NASAJuly 7, 2017 ( -- Scientists have identified patterns in the Earth's magnetic field that evolve on the order of 1,000 ...
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Mars surface 'more uninhabitable' than thought | Jennifer Wadsworth & Charles Cockell
Latest lab tests show salt minerals on Mars kill basic life form bacteria, implying the 'Red Planet' is more uninhabitable than previously thought July 6, 2017 ( -- Hopes of finding life on ...
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Japan reveals plans to put a man on moon by 2030 | AFP
June 30, 2017 (AFP) -- Japan has revealed ambitious plans to put an astronaut on the Moon around 2030 in new proposals from the country's space agency. This is the first time the Japan Aerospace ...
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Groundbreaking Discovery Confirms Existence Of Orbiting Supermassive Black Holes | University Of New Mexico
For the first time ever, astronomers at The University of New Mexico say they've been able to observe and measure the orbital motion between two supermassive black holes hundreds of millions of ...
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Scientists detect gravitational waves for third time | Physical Review Letters
This image shows a numerical simulation of a binary black hole merger with masses and spins consistent with the third and most recent LIGO observation, named GW170104. The strength of the ...
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Space junk could destroy satellites, hurt economies | AFP
There are an estimated 170 million pieces of so-called "space junk"—left behind after missions that can be as big as spent rocket stages or as small as paint flakes — in orbit alongside some US$700 ...
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New study reveals how changes in Martian rainfall shaped the planet | Robert A. Craddock et al.
Valley networks on Mars show evidence for surface runoff driven by rainfall. Credit: Elsevier May 16, 2017 ( -- Heavy rain on Mars reshaped the planet's impact craters and carved out ...
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