
Dr. Ramzy Baroud on LinkedIn: #palestine #gaza #palestinian #media #language

Language matters: don’t say this about Gaza. #Palestine #Gaza #Palestinian #media #language


Why the Palestinian Voice Should Take Center Stage

Without that genuine and engaged Palestinian intellectual, the world’s priorities will continue to gravitate towards Israeli priorities, towards US interests and their subsequent fraudulent language…


From Pegasus to Blue Wolf: How Israel’s ‘Security’ Experiment in Palestine Became Global

The truth is, for as long as Israel maintains its military occupation of Palestine, and as long as the Israeli military continues to see Palestinians…


Bill Gates Should Know Better: How the Israeli Occupation Ravages the Environment in Palestine

From the destruction of Palestinian wells to the poisoning of trees, to the demolishing of entire ecosystems to make space for Israel’s apartheid wall, to…


Words without Action: The West’s Role in Israel’s Illegal Settlement Expansion

The truth is that a thousand or a million more statements by western governments will not end the Israeli occupation, or even slow down the…


The West’s China Complex: Beijing as the Enemy and the Savior

Such fluctuations will unlikely change the narrative of the determined Chinese rise as a global power, or that of the unmistakable western decline. The sooner…


Jerusalem’s ‘Liveliest Parties’: Has Biden Proved Different from Trump on Palestine?

The Biden Administration is proving to be but a soft facade to the same policies enacted by the Trump Administration. Only, this time, the Palestinian…


Political Islam and Democracy Crisis in North Africa

While the Justice and Development Party, Ennahda and other Islamic parties have much reflection to do, we ought to remember that the future is not…

Empire Files: Anti-Black Racism Reveals Israel’s White Supremacy

Empire Files: Anti-Black Racism Reveals Israel’s...

While the Israeli state espouses multiculturalism and diversity, it oppresses not just the Palestinian population, but also any Black person within...

Palestinian Maftoul-Couscous & Chicken Soup !

Palestinian Maftoul-Couscous & Chicken Soup !

All rights reserved Copyright 2013 Feast in the Middle East Blanche shares her family recipe for a Middle Eastern chicken based soup.